#MenoresSinCerveza a persistent platform to prevent the harfmul use of alcohol from its roots.

In Colombia, 7 out of 10 underage kids have consumed alcohol with an average age of alcohol consumption initiation of 13 years old. But must shockingly, 50% of kids start tasting alcohol in the presence of their parents due to a cultural belief of “It’s better that they do it with me”.

As a digital strategist for Bavaria we worked with creative agencies and corporate affairs to develop a concept that changed the conversation in 2019 launching “Chelita: The first underage beer” to show the absurdity of this cultural belief.

Key Results:

  • Bavaria scaled +1 position in the ESG Merco Ranking, mantaining their spot in the top 5 coolombian companies during the excecution of this concept.

  • #MenoresSinCerveza (Minors without alcohol), has been persistent creative platform to launch yearly campaigns impacting in changing the cultural acceptance of underage drinking between 2019-2022

Campaign: Menores Sin Cerveza
Brand: Bavaria
Role: Brand Strategist
Company: AB InBev
Year: 2018-2019